The Invite

We invite you as a Ugandan parent/grandparent to join us in stopping a tragic future from befalling our children/grandchildren. Join us by purchasing a slot for recognition at as low as 40,000/- Uganda shillings, towards implementing education interventions that prevent Uganda from losing its second chance to develop, the 50-year period from 2012 to 2062. There isn’t much that you, I or any other Ugandan can to do to shield one’s children/grandchildren from the negative consequences of that tragic future, apart from embracing the chance to stop it from happening.

Uganda’s tragic Future

As Uganda bears witness, moving a country out of poverty and underdevelopment does not happen just because it has a stable leadership, an educated workforce and other factors of production, a market for its products or services, etc. It happens primarily because that country conforms to the natural law out of poverty and underdevelopment. This law and how it functions are comparable to cooking food using the traditional method of three cooking stones. The three cooking stones symbolise the three development pillars, namely knowledge, skills and the right thinking for the country’s development. It is on these three development pillars that any society must stand in order to move out of poverty and underdevelopment.

The world that you and I grew up in prevents the African mind from growing the attitudes that are critical to development. The absence of these attitudes in the African mind-set denied you, me and the rest of the Africans the right thinking for the country’s development. The absence of this right thinking in our society makes it impossible to move Uganda out of poverty and underdevelopment, in the same way the absence of one cooking stone makes it impossible to cook food using that traditional cooking method.

Indeed, until the right thinking for Uganda’s development is established in our society, chances of our country moving out of poverty and underdevelopment will remain non-existent, regardless of who becomes the country’s leader. To dismiss this warning is to condemn Uganda to poverty and underdevelopment up to 2062, a condemnation with serious negative implications on our children/grandchildren. There isn’t much that you, I or any other Ugandan can do to shield one’s children/grandchildren from the negative consequences of this condemnation and hence, the invite to join us in preventing it from happening.

Preventing Uganda’s tragic Future

The education interventions are a set of four interesting story books and their complementary online resources, meticulously developed over a period of 10 years. They engage learners systematically as they go through lower-secondary, mid secondary, high school and tertiary levels, with the primary objective of establishing the right thinking for Uganda’s development in the upcoming generation. Their secondary objective, namely to promote effective implementation of existing school curricula, makes them relevant to the education system.

Briefly, these education interventions are as follows:

1. After this story book nurtures the right thinking for science-led development in the learners of senior 1-3, its complementary education tools promote growth of this right thinking by guiding these learners into coming up with science-based solutions to numerous local challenges.

2. After this story book nurtures the right thinking that enables the learner to recognise and choose his/her appropriate career, but which thinking also enables the country to recognise the correct path out of underdevelopment and to persistently pursue it, the complementary education tools promote growth of this thinking by guiding learners in mid secondary in transforming local challenges into opportunities for jobs’ creation or wealth generation.

3. After this story book  nurtures the right thinking for knowledge-led development in learners of high school, its complementary online education tools promote growth of this thinking by inspiring these learners into becoming active participants for expansion of Uganda’s economy in the knowledge-based era.

4. After this story book nurtures the right thinking for inclusive growth in the learners of tertiary institutions, its complementary education tools promote growth of this right thinking by inspiring tertiary students into growing and expanding Uganda’s economy.

Purchase a Slot for Recognition

Proceeds from selling slots for recognition are towards enabling the printing, distribution and promoting effective use of these education tools, in more than 80% of the secondary schools and tertiary institutions in Uganda. Purchase by choosing an appropriate slot below and proceed to fill in the payment form; avoid including characters in the payment form (full stops, commas, etc.).

First Slot

The first slot costs USD 10 or the equivalent in local currency. It shows your name and address as one of the heroes behind making your country brighter for the upcoming generations.

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Second Slot

The second slot costs USD 35 or the equivalent in local currency. It shows your name, address, occupation and personal message as one of the golden heroes behind making your country brighter for the upcoming generations.

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Third Slot

The last slot is for businesses, companies, organisations and other entities and costs USD 350. It shows the name, address, product/services offered, as one of the businesses/organisations behind making the country brighter for the upcoming generations.

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NB. Do not include characters (commas, full stops, etc.) in the fields of the payment form.