Let’s join hands and we change the mind-set of the upcoming generation so that it can build a Uganda that provides opportunities for nearly all our children/grandchildren.

Why this Mind-set change?  

Since Independence, under different leaderships, Uganda has been trying to improve socio-economically. However, its socio-economic status has not changed; Uganda has remained a country of opportunities for a handful few.  The primary cause, as this 13-min documentary ably explains, is the African mind-set problem that we suffer, and which the upcoming generation must be liberated from. If the mind-set problem is not intentionally addressed, Uganda will remain condemned to unending poverty and underdevelopment regardless of the leadership in place.


Due to the rising unemployment or underemployment, Ugandans are increasingly  seeking work elsewhere. This trend will persist unless Uganda’s socioeconomic status improves substantially.

The increasing land conflicts in Uganda is a sign of dwindling opportunities, which will persist  unless Uganda’s socioeconomic status improves substantially.

The increasing scarcity of opportunities is a key driver of nepotism/tribalism in Uganda.  This challenge will persist  unless Uganda’s socioeconomic status improves substantially



Education Africa Uganda is a mindset-changing intervention for young people. It supports the education system go beyond knowledge and skills and establish the right thinking for Uganda’s development in the upcoming generation. The intervention is made up of four interesting story books and their complementary online resources that engage learners systematically as they go through lower-secondary, mid secondary, high school and tertiary levels, with the primary objective of changing their mindset.


Call to Action

Let’s support this mind-set changing intervention for our little ones.

This is how it is going to be done;

In order to have these books readily available to the learners across the country, we need your support as a parent/grandparent to print, distribute and promote their effective use in more than 80% of the secondary schools in Uganda. This support will win you a heroic slot on our platform and publications. Heroic slots are priced at UGX 40, 000/-, UGX 140,000 and UGX 1,500,000.

Change the mindset of the upcoming generation, Guarantee Uganda’s Development.

First Slot

The first slot costs USD 10 or the equivalent in local currency. It shows your name and address as one of the heroes behind making your country brighter for the upcoming generations.

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Second Slot

The second slot costs USD 35 or the equivalent in local currency. It shows your name, address, occupation and personal message as one of the golden heroes behind making your country brighter for the upcoming generations.

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Third Slot

The last slot is for businesses, companies, organisations and other entities and costs USD 350. It shows the name, address, product/services offered, as one of the businesses/organisations behind making the country brighter for the upcoming generations.

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NB. Do not include characters (commas, full stops, etc.) in the fields of the payment form.