The 4th Pillar

  • The 4th Pillar
When Mr Mvui arrived in the morning, at 8.45 a.m., the seminar venue was packed to almost full capacity. The students were now on their way into the working world, where jobs were very difficult to come by. Indeed, to most students, thinking in terms of gainful employment was being unreasonable! The best that they hoped for was any kind of job that came their way. But even with this ‘painful’ compromise, hardly anyone was certain of a job; this largely explains the big turnout that greeted Mr Mvui that morning……..

This story book prepares tertiary students for a job market with limited job offers, while at the same time nurturing and promoting the right thinking for growing Uganda’s economy, i.e. 4th pillar for socioeconomic transformation in our country. 

Complementary resources 

The students  are then inspired into starting various businesses and running them successfully through exposure to different online resources including skilling  opportunities. 

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